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artists in philadelphia series


Jobs in the photography field are dwindling with an over abundance of talented photographers, but not nearly enough jobs available at one time for all of them.


Since 2002, the amount of jobs held by photographers has decreased by over half. But despite this decline, college students and graduates here in Philadelphia are finding inspiration and excitement for the art of photography through all of the artists benefits the city provides.


Young photographers are using Philadelphia as a space to pave their way as artists, grab hold of otherwise unheard of opportunities and learn about themselves.


Stand up comedy was very different 20 years ago, Variety says there were only about four comedians with the ability to sell out an entire theatre. Now? there are closer to 100.


Internet streaming has had an impact on the proliferation of stand up comedy. In fact, Netflix put out five different stand up specials in the first six months of 2015 and that trend has only continued since.

The rise in popularity and accessibility has produced an audience and interest that philadelphia based comedians Kate Banford and Aaron Nevins have taken advantage of. Leading them to open the Good Good Comedy Theatre in October of last year where they have three to four live shows almost every night of the week.


But, women experience quite a different story when it comes to the life of a comedian. Banford explains her journey into her profession and how she broke free of stereotypes.


Careers in the arts are bringing an unexpected amount of money into the communities in the the Philadelphia area. One such artist, Corey Brickley, has begun his career freelancing and based himself right here in the city after graduating from the University of the Arts with a degree in Illustration.


Brickley says his professors from the University of the Arts have been largely important to his success and development as an artist and as a person. He also notices that the art community here in Philadelphia is deep and full of inspiration waiting to be found and finds that atmosphere to be helpful when shaping his style and learning about himself as an artist.


Being from the State College area here in Pennsylvania, Brickley has now found a home here in the city where he can continue to evolve his craft.


As the world of EDM continues to grow, we take a look at how DJs in Philadelphia are thriving and growing within the genre.

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